All fruits that farmers of the sunny South Land produced over the years, following centenarian traditions, were not available all year long because of rapid perishability and seasonality. Therefore farmers were able to preserve the product in jars with olive oil and vinegar. So Apulian families would always have access to the base ingredients of the main dishes and antipasti.
Hello Puglia has always selected specialists of "Conserve Pugliesi" among producers of the following products in oil: Artichokes, Turnip Greens, Eggplants, Zucchini, Lampascioni, and Tomatoes, to name a few.
The “Bella di Cerignola”, one of the most popular table olives in the world; it has a hard and tasty pulp that gives it a sweet and light flavor.
A real culinary delicacy that, despite its simplicity, puts life into any food course.