Among the production districts of sausages and cured meats that have always represented Italian excellence in the world, Puglia has been using high-quality meats from Valle D'Itria. Which with its farms located in thick woods among centuries-old oaks creates a "true island" of pasture that provides the possibility of expressing unique taste and flavor through the product and processes.
In this category, Capocollo of Martina Franca is the primate product.
Aromatic, delicate and persistent flavour, the result of traditional processing closely linked to the territory. SEASONING 120 DAYS PRODUCT...
Sweet salami is one of the products that preserves the oldest charcuterie tradition of our territory. PRODUCT AVAILABLE ONLY ON ORDER
Spicy Salami characterized by an appreciable spiciness that envelops the palate and by a strong and intense flavor and a spicy and smoky aroma....